Friday, December 31, 2010

Wonderful Night in the last 2010

What a wonderful night in the last 2010. Hanging out with my friends: Karu, Prasasta, Tresna, Windy, and Mardana. That night began at 21.00 at MC.D sector9, enjoy our dinner in the second floor with a beautiful scene,  hmm may be not like what u though. lol. Then walking from sector9 to sector7. Yes, we were walking! wow, drop in to Indomaret bought Bridge Card and Domino, then we went to the center park enjoy the mini fireworks. I just could say about that night, what a crowded!! many people went to the street to clebrate the new year, with  trumpet, firework, and common accessories. time still 22.15. There were still 1 hour and 45 minutes to the main celebration. then, we decided to play pool in RedBall at Bintaro Junction, first i thought there would be full of people there, but i was wrong, there were 4 table available, so we choose table 3. We are still the begginer! that was the first time windy and tresna playing bliard, me, agus, and mardana have been played before. We played on pair. me with Tresna, windy with Prasasta, and Mardana with Karu. You know, my team made a hatrick that time, we won 3x continously... but we fell by Mardana and Karu with an equal battle.. yeay. Don't ask what made we won!

Time was 11.50, so, we end the game and ready for the main celebration. We went to the center park, and enjoy  the beautiful fireworks dancing above us about 45 minutes!! yeah what a great moment that was. I won't ever forget this moment. After the celebration was over. We went home walking from sector7 to sector3, tired?? NO. We enjoyed every moment, and the night was not over yet. We bought some drinks and snack at CircleK. then we went to our beloved KOSKOSAN at PONDOK MARZAN. Beyond STAN and from the top of Building "P" there were some people playing fireworks... our last fireworks that night. At Marzan, played game (Poker and Domino) till drop with 3 bottles of Beer. Acctually, they didn't make us  drop,but that wasn't what we want. The main things was the togetherness. We Laugh, drink, and made fun together that night. 3.00 (1/01/11) The beers was empty and I we all feel tired, so we end that night with a sweet dreams! :)

This Moment won't forgetable. The Last 2010 was over. Now, we open the new diary to fill with the new experiences in 2011. I hope this year will be better than before. With a new spirits and new hopes in 2011.



  1. Happy nu year git...
    hope the world getting better in 2011...hihihi...
    keep our passion and let's do d best...

  2. happy nu year too gian :)
    oke, let's do the best in 2011..

  3. Hehehe. . .nama saya disebut". . .wkwkwk. . .
    epi nu yer ta [repost]. . .
    moga resolusi'a berjalan, saya jg pengen 6pack kembali taun ini, gmn rencana'a ni?
    Masih ragu bwt fitness. . :D

  4. wahwahwah... ternyata ini fakta dibalik menghilangnya anak2 marzan di malem taun baru kemarin..

    Hepi nu year (lagi) gitt...
    folback blogku ya.. (kalo berkenan).. hehehe.. =)
